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Links, links and more links...


Art appraisal
Art Prints and Posters Online
Caroline Young
Clars Auction House in Oakland CA
Passion4Art Visual Artists Community - Providing free Websites and services for Artists!
Poster Frames from The Frame Place, Hardboard, Corrugated Framing
Bonhams - Home Page
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Art Supplies from Dick Blick Art Materials
Donovan's poetry


1999 Total Solar Eclipse - Path Description
Apogee Inc.
Anacortes Telescope & Wild Bird
Celestron International- Fine Telescopes, Binoculars & Microscopes
Chabot Space & Science Center
Chabot Space & Science Center, your place in the universe: planetarium, telescopes, astronomy and space science exhibits, hands-on activities and classes. In Oakland, California.
CSSC Clear Sky Clock
Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ
Eastbay Astronomical Society
Earth View from the Moon
e-Bay: Items matching ( telescope )
Fremont Peak Observers Association Home Page
Hands On Optics
Helpful hints: cleaning optics
Hubble Heritage Gallery of Images
Human Space Flight (HSF) - Orbital Tracking
Intl Astronomical Union
Jim's Mobile, Inc. (JMI)
Keck Observatory Gallery
Lance Hill Observatory
Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Home
Meade Instruments Corporation- Telescopes, Binoculars, Microscopes & Accesories
NASA - Eclipse 99
Nortek Computers Ltd - MEADE LX200 Repair: Advanced MEADE LX200 Series Telescope Repair Services
Orion Telescopes and Binoculars
Peterson Engineering Corp
PreciseParts - Custom Machined Parts for Astronomers
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
San Jose Astronomical Association
SBIG Santa Barbara Instrument Group
ScopeStuff- stuff for Astronomers
ScopeTronix Quality Astronomy Products
SETI Institute Online
Sky and Telescope Magazine -- Home Page
SkyMap Pro Information
SkyMap Software home page
Software Bisque -- Something Amazing Every Day
The Astronomy Connection
The Galaxy Catalog - Zsolt Frei
Thousand Oaks Optical - solar filters, solar eclipse viewers, H-Alpha filters, nebular filters
University Optics- Telescope parts, books and Accesories
W.M. Keck Observatory
Yahoo! Groups : Meade Instruments Autostar Suite of Software
Yahoo! Groups : Meade Instruments LX200GPS Telescopes
Yahoo! Groups : Meade Instruments Lunar/Planetary Imager
World Clock - Time Zones
World Sunlight Map


Cannondale Bikes
Diamondback Bikes
Specialized Bicycles- Site Menu
Rhoades Car - Lobby Page

Business Cards Price List

Credit Reporting Agencies

Equifax Credit Reporting Consumer Services
Experian Credit Reports
TransUnion - Welcome to TransUnion
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
Opting Out of Pre-Approved Offers -

Investment & Finance

Charles Schwab _ Home
Nasdaq Stock Market Glossary
StockMaster Home Page
Upside money

Precious Gems & Metals

Spot Chart - Gold
Spot Chart - Silver
Accent Rare Coins & Gold Coins Fine Diamonds and Settings Online
European Gemological Laboratory
Gemological Institute of America Home
GoldmastersOnline- Precious Bullion & Coins
Kitco Precious Metals

World Currency Rates

Foreign currencies and currency Exchange Rates history graphs
Universal Currency Converter

Comedy & Fun Stuff

Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams - Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!
Flame Warriors
Zippy the Pinhead
George Carlin
Hokey Smoke! Rocky & Bullwinkle
The Darwin Awards

Computers, Peripherals, & Software, etc.

Manufacturers & Distributors

Central Computer Systems, Inc.
CyberWarehouse - Deep Discounts Direct!
Electronics: AT card, ISA bus, TTL devices

Search and Directories

Buncha Yahoos!


Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Linux
Introduction to Linux
Linux HeadQuarters
Linux Resources Linux news, information, software, documentation, and tutorials
The Linux Home Page at Linux Online
Red Hat | The Open Source Leader
Puppy Linux Home
Puppy Linux is a fast, small, free, fully featured Linux distribution (distro). Puppy Linux live-CD, multi-session CD/DVD is about 50-60M, yet "every" application you need is there. Puppy Linux is an operating system you can use in place of Microsoft Windows. Puppy Linux works swiftly on old second systems and is a delight on modern systems including ThinPC's. Puppy Linux boots to a familiar environment for ex-Windows users. Puppy Linux is regularly updated, well supported and documented.
Puppy Linux


Qbasic / Quickbasic News - Daily Qbasic News and Resources.
QuickBasic resource directory
QuickBasic Cafe
TCS - ReadMe.1st -- Driving for Performance: RAMDrive and SMARTDrive

Cooking & Recipes

America's Test Kitchen
Arielle's Recipe Archives
Artichoke Info
B's Cucumber Pages Recipes
Christmas Time Christmas Recipes
Cooking Recipes Made Easy. The Recipe For Cooking.
Cooking School with Professional Chef Classes, Childrens Classes, Guest Chefs, Cooking Teachers, Cookbook Authors, Chef Teacher
Diet Nutrition Issues
European Cuisines Front Page
Food Nutrient Contents - By Portion Size The Gourmet Food and Cooking Resource
Just Crockpot Recipes - Over 5,800 Recipes for your Crock Pot - Slow Cooker, sorted in to 57 separate topic indexes. Easy and s
Lots of Bread Recipes!
Pezzini Farms Artichokes - PEZZINI FARMS
Recipes Archive - 280,000+ Free Recipes
RecipeSource Your Source for Recipes on the Internet
Sunday Supper Home Page
Texas Beef Council
Tony Tantillo - Farm Fresh
Top Secret Recipes on the Web
VRG Recipes -- The Vegetarian Resource Group
California Beef Council
The Tofu and Miso Homepage
Wine Making Kits from Wine-Art: Make your own Wine
Campbells Soups
Asparagus Recipe Search Results from Betty Crocker
GourmetSleuth - How To Make Mozzarella Cheese
A recipe for making Mozzarella Cheese at home.
Outback Bloomin Onion Recipe
A recipe for The Outback Bloomin' Onion - | Onion Appetizers Recipes | SuperBowl Recipes, Cornstarch -- more if needed Flour Garlic -- mince Paprika Salt Pepper Beer Sweet Vidalia Onions Flour Paprika Garlic powder Pepper Cayenne Creamy chili sauce Mayonnaise Sour cream Tomato chili sauce Easy recipes to gourmet meals - 200,000 recipes online in CDKitchen's archives. Copy cat restaurant clone recipes, crockpot recipes, cooking links, cookbooks, recipe search engine and more


OneLook Dictionaries


MCU stuff

Mecanique Homepage
microEngineering Labs - Development tools for Microchip PICmicro MCUs including PicBasic and EPIC programmer
Chuck Hellebuyck Electronic Products
PICmicro WebRing
The PICList
Basic Micro - Home
IC-Prog Programmer: programs 12C508,16C84,16F84,16F877,24C16,24C32,93C46,90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC, AVR , 80C51 etc.
Dot matrix LCD test routine for Microchip PIC16F84
LiniStepper, lini, stepper, linear, 6th microstep, linear microstepping stepper motor driver, constant current linear driver, circuit Linistepper boards, LiniStepper kit, hobby stepper, robot stepper driver kit, CNC stepper driver kit
MPLAB Integrated Development Environment
Whether you are designing with the smallest 8-bit PIC microcontroller or a high-performance 16-bit PIC24 microcontroller or a 16-bit dsPIC DSC, Microchip has developed a cohesive collection of easy-to-learn application development tools for all of our product families. Microchip MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) serves as the single, unified graphical user interface for Microchip and third-party software and hardware development tools.
mikroElektronika | Solutions for the embedded systems
mikroElektronika - Solutions for the embedded systems. Development tools, compilers, books.

Distributors & Dealers

All Electronics Corp - Parts, Supplies and Components
Digi-Key Corporation Home Page
HSC Electronic Supply - Home Page
Mouser Electronics ? 2002
Information Unlimited - Tesla Coils, High Voltage Engineering, Plans, Books, Parts, Kits
Allied Electronics
Electronic Surplus Inc.- obsolete ICs, discretes, motors, relays, switches, pots


Electronics-Electrical Engineering
Gnet Gateway
GlobalSpec: air compressors, electric motors, bearings, bar code scanners and other engineering products
Stripline Impedance Calculator
Thermocouple Thermometer Features A 1-mV/F Output
Don Lancasters Gurus Lair
Welcome to Don Lancasters Gurus Lair
The Complete Electronics Lab for Windows
circuit simulation electronic circuit simulation

All About Circuits :: Complete guide to Electric Circuits

Instrumentation & Test

EETOOLS Device Programmers
Hanna Instruments
HI 9813 pH, EC and TDS Meter
NI Support - Drivers_ NI-488.2 Software for Windows 95
Pasternack Enterprizes
Technika-Scientific Equipment Shop
The Scale People - New Products
Thermo Orion Homepage
Milwaukee Instruments
Optoelectronics, Inc. - Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Ramsey Electronics
Build your own Microchip ICD?
eTesters - the Information Exchange for the electronic Test and Measurement Industry
Syntilla Systems Inc. - Juzt-IO and Teztman
UEi: Test & Measurement Instruments
UEi manufactures tools and test instruments for the HVAC and electrical professions. Featuring the Phoenix Clamp Meter Series.

Resistor Manufacturers

Resistors - Caddock High Performance Film Resistors
Caddock manufactures precision resistors and resistor networks. Caddock uses unique film and process technologies to create solutions for harsh environments, for high power density, and long term stability. The product line consists of over 250 models, including high voltage resistors, current sense resistors, chip resistors, high frequency resistors, rf resistors, load resistors, pulse resistors, non-inductive power resistors. Custom resistors and resistor network solutions are also available.

Capacitor Manufacturers

WIMA - Competence in Capacitors
WIMA film capacitors, SMD capacitors, metallized paper RFI capacitors, Snubber capacitors, GTO capacitors and Double-Layer capacitors
EPCOS AG - capacitors, ceramic capacitors, film capacitors
Capacitors - EPCOS products include capacitors, ceramic capacitors, film capacitors saw filters, resonators, ferrites, inductors, emc components, thermistors, varistors, ceramic components, resistors, surge arresters

Wire & Cable

Alpha Wire Company Wire & Cable Solutions
Belden Wire & Cable

Xfrmrs & Magnetics

Advance Transformer Ballast Homepage
Universal Lighting Technologies
Amidon Magnetic Cores
Current Monitor and Custom Current Monitors by Pearson Electronics, International and Local(Palo Alto, CA)
Pearson Electronics, Supplying Current Monitor, Current Monitors, Current Transformer,CT, Fast CT, Fast Current Monitor, Fast Current Transformer, Current Toroid, Current Transducer since 1955 when originally developed by Paul Pearson.
Triad Magnetics offers power transformers, audio transformers, control transformers, Toroidal transformers, current sense, inductors, chokes, coils, custom transformers and custom magnetics.

Radio & GPS Stuff

Antenna Page
ARRLWeb_ The American Radio Relay League -- ARRL
AVCOM of Virginia Incorporated
Design your Own Super J Pole Antenna
Garmin connector assembly
Garmin connector project
GARMIN International_ GPS Products
GARMIN_ Software Download Page
GPS Information, Software, and Hardware Reviews of Garmin, Lowrance, and Magellan
GPS Outfitters Home
GPS software
HD Communications- RF Parts
Larry's Garmin connector. rf links- RF, wireless, RF design, wireless design, rf system engineering, wireless s
Pasternack Enterprises, LLC
Peter Bennett's GPS and NMEA Site
Trimble Navigation
Wilson Cellular Antennas & Amplifiers - - Cellular Amps, Cell Amplifier, Cell Phone Antenna, Cell Phone Antennas
Antenna Specialists
TV, CATV and FM Broadcast Frequencies


Acroname Robotics
Arrick Robotics --- ARobot Projects / Experiments / Programs
Budget Robotics - Robot Kits, robotics kits, robot parts, educational robots, amateur robots
Devantech Ltd.
Hobby Engineering Home Page
Lynxmotion Robot Kits
Parallax, Inc
Pololu Robotics and Electronics
Robotics Design Research, Control Systems, Mobile Technology

Schematics and Circuit Diagrams

CXI Schematics
Discover Circuits - Temperature Control Circuits
Sams Technical Publishing

Semiconductor Manufacturers

Advanced Linear Devices, Inc.
Altera- FPGAs, CPLDs & PLDs
ANADIGICS_ Products Database
Analog Devices
Burr-Brown (now Texas Instruments)
Cal Eastern Labs RF Products
Cree, Inc.- LED Products
Data Delay Devices, Inc.
Diodes, Inc.
Fairchild Semiconductor
Freescale Semiconductor
Frequency Devices_ Your partner in signal conditioning
Harris Corporation
Hamamatsu Photonics
International Rectifier
Intersil Home Page
Infineon Technologies
Linear Technology Corporation
Lumileds LED Lighting - LUXEON LEDs
Maxim IC Products Home
Microchip Technology Inc.
MiniCircuits RF Products
Motorola Semiconductor Products
National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor_ Design Engineer Resource
NTE Electronics, Inc.
ON Semiconductor
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors - Lighting solutions for illumination, sensing & visualization
Philips Semiconductors; Catalog and datasheets;
Sipex Corporation
Teccor Electronics
Texas Instruments
Barcelona | Welcome
IXYS Corporation
DataSheet Search SIte Search
Optrex America Inc. :: Home
PDF Datasheets supplies datasheets and information for electronic components and semiconductors. datasheet.
Datasheet catalog for integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors, view
Zetex Semiconductors
The Chip History Center
The Chip History Center is the world's first virtual museum focused on the history of the semiconductor industry, semiconductors, how computer chips are made, and the tools used to make them. Exhibits focus on landmark designs and manufacturing equipment as well as the legendary visionaries and companies that made it all possible. It spans the history from the early days of the transistor, when discrete devices dominated, to the invention of the integrated circuit, through VLSI, and beyond. The Chip History Center is intended to be a center where researchers of all ages can find an historical archive of the semiconductor industry. It differs from most histories of semiconductors in its primary focus on the history of semiconductor manufacturing. Visitors can see the tools used to make semiconductors and how they have evolved over time. Without these tools, Moore's Law would not have been possible. Without it, the electronics revolution would not have been possible. Key papers and presentations that document the disruptive force of semiconductor technology on history can be found, as well as many other items important to the history of semiconductors. Videos of semiconductor visionaries are available. This and much more can be found at the chip history center.

Solar Power & Green Energy

American Solar Energy Society
Solar Energy Industrial Assoc
SunPower: Smarter Solar
Sun Electronics - Solar Panels, Inverters, System Design, Controllers, Wind, Hydrogen, Photovoltaics, Gas, Propane, Biomass, Custom Design, Biodiesel, SolarCooking, Research and Development
The best prices in the Alternative Energy Industy. We have a warehouse in Miami, full of solar panels, inverters, wind generators, cabling, batteries, and any other alternative energy product you will ever need, ready to deliver anywhere in the world
EcoBusinessLinks - Green Directory for organic food, clean energy, sustainable housing, ...
Environmental directory for online eco shopping, green services and sustainable resources. Organic food, ...


Lightning On Demand Homepage
Resonance Research Corporation - Tesla Coils - Science Museum Exhibits and High-Voltage Electricity Displays
A Solid State Tesla Coil
SRL - Survival Research Labs Tesla Coil Mailing List


HyperPhysics Concepts
Kenneke Communications, LLC
Epoxies, Etc... - Electrically Conductive Resins
Deco-Coat Products - Manufacturer of Clear decorative doming resin formulations, epoxy, urethane, and UV curable resins
Light-Emitting-Diodes-dot-org home page
CML Innovative Technologies, Inc.
hack a day - _
digg it!
PCB Quickturn Prototypes, Milling Machine System, PCB Prototyping Machine
LPKF is a manufacturer of rapid PCB quickturn prototyping equipment, PCB milling machine and production systems SMT stencil lasers and AOI systems, for molded interconntect devices.
D.C. Waterjet - Let US cut your parts!
With our waterjet technology and capable staff, we are well-positioned to meet your cutting challenges. For high-quality, affordable finished parts just e-mail, call or fax D.C. Waterjet today!
Custom Laser Cutting Service
Custom Laser Cutting Service
DBK: ptc heating elements, and heater system solutions for all industries.
NIXIETUBES, Russian Nixie Tubes, nixie clock kit, nixie clock, clock kit, nixie tube, tube, clocks, clock, nixies, nixie, in-18, in-12, in-17, in-1, in-2, in-14, in-16, ins-1, 74141, a101, DC Converter, sockets, neon

Employment & Career Sites


EDD Home Page
California Job Service:: CalJOBS:: Employment Resource

Job Search

America's Job Bank - job search engine - Jobs - San Francisco Bay Area Jobs Jobs - The Largest Job Search, Employment & Careers Site
Career - Leading Career Site by and for Women. Job Bank, Resume Bank, Post Jobs.
Career Women-- Premier online Women's Career Center. Job Bank, Resume Bank, Post Jobs, Career Women Resources, News and more...Helping Women Achieve Success in their Careers and Live. Visit Today!
Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Job Search: Scientific Employment
Diversity/Careers In Engineering & Information Technology Job Hunting Online with Richard Bolles and What Color Is Your Parachute
Monster Jobs - Get work. Network. Build a better career. Today's the day.
Online Career Information Center
Union Jobs Clearinghouse
WWWomen Search Directory: Business/Careers
Search directory category for the premier search directory for women with comprehensive links on all topics relevant to women. | Semiconductor jobs and staffing for the semiconductor manufacturing industry and capital equipment
NSTAR Global Services, specialists in semiconductor jobs and semiconductor staffing. NSTAR hires technical professionals for the Semiconductor Industry to work on capital equipment and other tools for the semiconductor manufacturing of silicon wafers.
MIT OpenCourseWare | Master Course List
MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home Job salaries- Performance reviews- Compensation software
Salary's on demand talent management software connecting people,pay and performance Salary data solutions Reviews,Cost of living calculator,Articles, Compensation Surveys,Whitepapers, Salary Wizards, Talent Mgt.
PayScale - Salary Survey, Salaries, Wages, Compensation Information and Analysis
Excellent analysis comparing your job profile to the salary and compensation packages of people whose skills and experiences match yours.
Search thousands of San Francisco jobs from around the web on San Francisco Jobs Today
Vault: The Most Trusted Name in Career Information
Vault, The Most Trusted Name in Career Information. Get insider information on top employers and education programs, job search advice, salary info, job listings, employee message boards and surveys.



How to Make Compost, a Composting Guide
Composting | Wastes | US EPA
Compost is organic material that can be used as a soil amendment or as a medium to grow plants.
Compost! Master Composter Home Composting
How to build a backyard compost pile, build bins, worm composting, trench composting, soil incorporation, glossary, compost reference of organic materials, troubleshooting, FAQ, Message Board. Find your local program. Classes.
Composting | Backyard Conservation | Features | NRCS


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Pests &Pest Control

UC IPM Photo


Advanced Nutrients | General Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies
Advanced Nutrients is the world leader in general hydroponics plant nutrient technology with the most diverse line of plant foods and supplements
A Month-by-Month Astrological Gardening Timetable - The Old Farmer's Almanac
Aquamist Aeroponic Systems
Crop Physiology Laboratory - Hydroponics
Farmer's Almanac Home Page
General Hydroponics
Hahn Lighting
Hydrofarm Grow Lights and Hydroponics
Miracle-Gro Products
The Miracle-Gro web site contains product information, project ideas, garden how-to's and other useful advice from America's #1 selling plant food.
Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology
Plantin by the signs!
Spray-N-Grow - Everything you need to grow the best garden ever!
Verilux Lighting - Experience the lifestyles of the Green and Spiny
From The Garden with P. Allen Smith
Healing effects of the Lotus
Hydroponic Society of America
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, Fort Bragg, California
Raindrip, Inc.
California Avocado Commission
Starting an avacado
GardenGuides - Come Garden With Us
GardenGuides Forums - Powered by vBulletin
Garlic Valley Farms - Premium Garlic Juice Spray in Two Flavors
garden sheds, garden shed plans, shed kits, arbors
Farmers Almanac TV : Old Hints and Tips from Farmers Almanac, Farmers Almanac Weather Predictions, Gardening Tips
Farmers Almanac TV - celebrating wit, wisdom, and the Good Old Days, Everyday. Your guide to new ruralism, long-range weather forecasting, gardening advice and natural cures.
Pruning Tomatoes
Blossom End Rot Fact sheet
Vegetable Diseases Cornell Home Page

Gems, Minerals & Metals Info

Americoins _ Supplies
Birthstones_ Modern Birthstones, Traditional Birthstones and Mystical Birthstones
Coin Mall - Your Collectibles Headquarters On the Web for Coins & Currency
crystal balls - new age crystal jewelry - feng shui cures - new age metaphysical gifts
GEMFIX - Gem Cutters in CA
Gemstone Therapy The Healing Properties of Gemstones and Crystals
Intl Colored Gemstone Assoc.
Effects of healing crystals
Opal Oasis
Outer Banks,designer jewelry,hand made jewelry,lighthouse jewelry,Jewelry By Gail
Rockhounds Information Page
Natural Gemstones - Contents



Social Security Admin

Social Security Online


Internal Revenue Service


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
cars_problems_ Safety Problems & Issues
US Dept of State - From the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The United States Mint

California State

Mobil Home Registration

Dept. of Housing & Comm. Dev.: Codes and Standards


Department Of Motor Vehicles
Change of Address (DMV 14)

Alameda County

Alameda County, CA
California Courts_ Forms
California Secretary of State - Elections & Voter Information
Superior Court of CA, County of Alameda
East Bay Regional Park District official site

Home Care & Decorating

Furnace Maintnance

DP Filters Manufacturing - America's #1 Source for furnace and air conditioning filters

Mobile Home Info

123 vintage mobile homes
Atlas Mobile Home Directory
California Manufactured Housing Institute
Manufactured Housing & Modular Home Manufacturers
Mobile Home Repair
Sierra Pacific Mobile Home Servive, Inc
Magic Mobile Home Supply Parts
Mobile Home Parts Store


Eco-Home Network
Fire Escape Systems - a Complete Line of Portable Chain-Rung, Rigid Aluminum and Fixed Fire Escape Ladders
home decorating ideas, interior design, and interior decorating tips for the home decorator on a budget.
Michael Holigan's Your New House Television Show
Modern Artisans - Home goods store, American home furnishings, unique garden decor, unusual gifts, wall art, & products made by American artisans
Solatube - The Miracle Skylight - Daylighting for Everyday Living
Steel Buildings, Etc.
Swiffer, the quicker picker-upper!
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company
VISEC - Security Software


Alameda County Library, Hayward Branch: Departments & Contacts


California Lottery Current Jackpot
Mega Millions Official Home Page


MapQuest MapStore Home Page -
Maps to Anywhere for International Tourist Travel Road - The Place for Maps Online
Omni Resources - Maps & Geology Supplies - Largest on-line source of international maps & guides
Air Traffic Control System Command Center
Time Zone Converter

Radio Stations

KFOG Home Page
KPFA 94.1FM Berkeley
KQED 88.5 and 89.3
National Public Radio
Star 101.3FM


BigGuitar.com_ Case Sizes
Dynamat Home Page
FG412 Specs@
Fishman Transducers, Inc.
Yamaha Guitars and Basses
Music123 - Musical Instruments & accessories.
YAMAHA GA21 Guitar Case
Guitar Strings

Odd Things

Anomalies Unlimited
PUBLIC ORGONOMIC RESEARCH EXCHANGE - PORE - Orgone Energy research of Wilhelm Reich and others
View Live Radar Tracks at SFO!
The Premiere Source of Information on The Art and Science of Lucid Dreaming and Technology for Enhancing Dream Awareness and Control


BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News
The Voice of the Rest
Daily Review Online The design source for electronics engineers
Home Power Magazine: Solar | Wind | Hydro | Design | Build
Home Power Magazine - The hands-on journal of home-made power. Make your own electricity with solar, wind, and hydro.
Integrated Publishing - Your source for military specifications and educational publications
San Jose Mercury News
Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information
Nuts and Volts Magazine. The Electronics Magazine for the Hobbyist. latest science and technology news
PlanetAnalog, an EE Times online community, is the resource for analog and mixed/signal technology.
Programmable Logic DesignLine
SF Bay Area Independent Media Center
SF Gate San Francisco Chronicle
Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters -- Something Amazing Every Day
Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
Test & Measurement World Online
The Oakland Tribune
TIME Magazine
Verification Insider: Your guide to verification, from plan to closure, at block, chip, and system levels. A Briefing Center, brought to you by Cadence and EETIMES.
The electronics design and verification process is filled with uncertainties. Shrinking geometries, complex design techniques, and tight schedules can quickly overwhelm conventional verification approaches. To accurately predict when you'll get a design out the door, you need a plan- and metric-driven approach to verification closure, not just a gut feeling. The Verification Insider is an information center for chip and system design teams who want to reduce project risk at block, chip, and system levels, from plan to closure.
Washington - Technical Papers, News, Conferences, Communities, Press Releases

Professional Organizations

ASQ : The American Society for Quality
Electronics Technicians Association
Engineering and professional societies
Intl Society of Certified Electronics Technicians
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
Society of Women Engineers
Standards Worldwide - ASTM International
The American Society of Test Engineers, Inc. (ASTE) Home Page
IEEE- Intl Electrical & Electronics Eengineers

Radio Stations

94.5FM KBAY The South Bay's Soft Rock Station
KFOG World Class Rock - Homepage
KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk


Papa Murphy's Pizza
Welcome to Stuart Anderson's Black Angus
Carl's Jr.
Outback Steakhouse
Retro Candy Store - About Us
Round Table Pizza
Welcome to Wendy's
Little Caesars Pizza
Burger King: Have It Your Way
Jack In The Box

Science Stuff

American Science & Surplus Incredible Stuff at Unbelievable Prices
Daigger Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Home Page
Edmund Scientifics Home
Index of -hbase
Wards WARDS Natural Science 800-962-2660
Welcome to
Cypress E-chem Systems
Fly Rockets!
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Lab Safety Supply
Surplus lab supplies, equipment and goods: Home
Intellectual Property Digital Library
The IPDL site provides access to various searchable intellectual property data collections currently hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument VolcanoCam. The summit of Mount St. Helens is at an elevation of 2,549 Meters (8,364 feet), at 46.20 N, 122.18 W. The summit stood at 9,677 feet before the May 18, 1980, eruption. The Observatory and VolcanoCam are located at an elevation of approximately 4,500 feet, about five miles from the volcano. The Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam is brought to you by the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Vancouver, Washington, and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Amboy, Washington USA.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California
Quantum Approaches to Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Snail Mail

United Parcel Service_ Package Tracking
USPS - The United States Postal Service (U.S. Postal Service)
Zip Code Lookups
USPS- Calendar of Postal Events
Bay Area Junk Mail Reduction Campaign

TV Schedule, Movie Reviews

Yahoo! TV Listings
PBS Online
KQED.org_ Public TV_ Daily Schedule
KTEH Public Television


ALLDATA DIY-- Online Diagnostic and Repair information for Vehicle Owners

Automobiles - Get in the Zone!
Edmunds Blue Book: New car prices, used car pricing
JC Whitney - Shop the largest online selection of parts and accessories for your car, pickup, motorcycle, Jeep, sport compact,
JEG'S High Performance - Car, Truck, Street, and Drag Racing Performance Parts
Kelley Blue Book - New Car Pricing, Used Car Values


The Tire Rack - Your performance experts for tires and wheels
Discount Tire Direct_ Discount Tire Direct Home


American Made Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Store Index
Chopper Dogs Tour
New Arlen Ness Site
West Coast Choppers

Weather and Driving Reports Forecast for Hayward, CA (94544)

World Community Grid

World Community Grid - Help improve the human condition.
WCG - Forums
Team ___In2My.Net___ asks: Are you an online gamer? OPEN HOUSE!!! (Grid refugees UNITE!)

Women's Sites

Beauty and the Bride - a how to article on skin care, aromatherapy, and home facials
Change Makers ~ books, gifts, events & much, much more for Women !
Date Rape Drug - Rohypnol
Effective Color Contrast - Designing for People with Partial Sight and Color Deficiencies - Lighthouse International - Lighthou
Gather the Women
Women For Hire
Women's Cancer Center
Women's Health America
Women Today - the woman's magazine for advice, love, health & fashion
Yves Rocher - your natural beauty source for cosmetics, fragance, skin and body care
Women for Women International
Face Shapes vs Hairstyles
Your face shape is the starting point to choosing a new hair style
Know Menopause
At, find out about some of the key things that are happening to your body during menopause, how to manage symptoms, and how to work with your doctor to develop a health program that's right for you. Just click on a topic to launch one of these expert's video modules: Menopause Basics, Menopause Treatments, Hormone Therapy Basics, Hormone Therapy Benefits & Risks, and Action Plan.
Women's Calendar
The Women's Calendar is the largest electronic listing of women's events. The mission is to provide a calendar of events covering every possible venue, topic or issue important to women. Women's groups, organizations, communities and businesses are invited to list their events. The Women's Calendar is a superb networking tool for all women with connections to almost every known women's organization.
Networking, Jobs and Events for Business Women - WorldWIT - Women. Insights. Technology.
A resource (including local email lists) for women to share ideas, network, mentor, and learn on a local or global level.
The California Pacific Medical Center's Women's Health Resource Center


The New Yankee Workshop Homepage
The New Yankee Workshop on-line featuring Norm Abram
A Woodworker's Bench Notes, your source for plans, jigs and information
A site for all woodworkers from experienced to novice, offers plans, shop jigs and much information, including an online catalogue.
The Small Wood Shop - Google Book Search

Table Saws & Power Tools

Table Saw Tips: Tip #1
Learn how to make a plywood base, a ripping and crosscut table, a dado guide, an outfeed jig and more to enhance your portable table saw.
Rip Safely with a Table Saw: Safety First
Tips for working with the table saw blade guard, how to make good push sticks, how to rip thin strips safely, and how to rip crooked boards.
Push Shoe
Table Saw Books -
Hardware store online featuring everything from computer hardware to power tools to woodworking, and includes secure online ordering.